There are many other initiatives that share the aims of Gender & Science AIL.
Here you can find a list of them. If you are aware of any interesting initiative, please send it to [email protected]. We will be more than happy to add it to our list! |
General background information on Gender & Science
- Thesaurus with definitions from the European Institute for Gender Equality
- Last She Figures report from the European Commision
- Videos and comics Illustrating gender
Projects working towards a gender-fair Science and education
- The DORA principles, declaration and resources for a fair assessment of sicentific performance. Let's all adhere!
- Edu4Stem teaching assistant to get girls into science
- Researcher Identity Development project aiming to help Early Career Researchers to develop as researchers
- Test yourself on other biases and conscious and unconscious preferences through the Implicit Project (Harvard Edu)
- Little quizz about Women in STEM
Reports on state of women in (Geo)science
- Analysis of the glass ceiling index in the Natural Resources Area (CSIC, Spain)
- Women in Oceanography -a decade later (The Oceanography Society)
Other cool groups and initiatives
- Proyecto Oceanicas
- Hypatia Mars: female-led mission to the Mars Desert Research Station
- Exposición GEAS, mujeres que estudian la Tierra
- Earth Science Women's Network
- Association Femmes et Sciences
- Colectivo fractal de mujeres investigadoras
- Gender equality actions at EGU
- Group and great comic strips wondering: Did this really happen?
- Asociación de Mujeres Investigadoras y Tecnólogas (AMIT)
- #11F initiative and activities
- Dones & Ciencia #100tifiques